Frequently Asked Questions


How can chiropractic help me?

We are committed to providing comprehensive quality care which means spending more time with you and addressing your health concerns with personalized treatments. Painful conditions are not always just isolated in the joints, which is why we believe in the importance of assessing and treating the surrounding musculature as well. By treating problematic movement patterns, and not just symptoms, we aim to provide you with relief in a short amount of time for lasting results. When you work with us, you'll gain a better understanding of your biomechanics and ability to care for yourself, whether you are trying to manage your pain, prevent an injury, or achieve a health-related goal.

What is acupuncture & how does it work?

Acupuncture is a healing practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that uses hair-thin, single-use, and sterile needles to naturally promote circulation, mobilize your body’s healing response, while supporting the functioning of its internal organ systems.

In Chinese Medicine there are 12 main Acupuncture channels that carry energy (qi, pronounced "chee") and blood to provide nourishment throughout our body. In a healthy person, the flow of these vital substances are freely moving in a state of dynamic equilibrium. When the flow of qi or blood becomes blocked in one or more of these channels—pain, illness, and symptoms of disharmony arise. Acupuncture works by re-integrating the flow of qi and blood to bring your body and mind back to a state of homeostasis (balance).

From a Biomedical perspective, Acupuncture produces neurotransmitters, endorphins, and other biochemical compounds to decrease pain + inflammation, regulate digestion, balance hormones, and reduce stress. It naturally shifts your brain’s nervous system from a sympathetic "flight or fight" state to a parasympathetic one that can “rest and digest”. It is only in this state that your body can repair, regulate, and restore itself. Acupuncture points have been identified as precise anatomical landmarks which have higher concentrations of superficial nerve endings and blood vessels that, when stimulated, send signals to the brain and viscera (organs) along trains of connective tissue (fascia) which correspond to traditional meridians.

What should I expect on my first visit?

The doctor will meet with you and perform a detailed history, exam, and review your intake forms. Then she will put together an individualized care plan that meets your needs. After reviewing the history/exam findings with the patient, she will then perform the treatment on the first visit unless a referral is necessary. Treatment can include chiropractic adjustments, dry needling therapy, acupuncture, cupping therapy, and/or myofascial release depending on your condition. The doctor will also review any pertinent home care recommendations/exercises for you to continue with outside of the office.

Do you take my insurance?

Due to the current limitations of chiropractic coverage coupled with exceedingly high deductibles, H-Town Health & Wellness is considered an “out-of-network” provider. This way, we are able to focus on providing you with the highest quality of care that fits your specific needs, rather than limiting treatment to only what your insurance covers. In doing so, you will receive tailored care that allows for a shorter recovery time so that you can get back on track to achieving your goals.

Many patients have out of network benefits, so If you would like to submit a claim to your insurance plan, we will provide a detailed “superbill” upon request for your convenience. Typically, patients could receive a reimbursement anywhere from 30-50% depending on your specific plan.

Do you accept HSA/FSA?

Yes. We will also provide our patients with a detailed receipt of treatment for their records upon request.

What if I need to reschedule my appointment?

Life happens. We understand! Our online scheduling portal is easily accessible to all of our existing and new patients! Feel free to modify your appointment time to fit your busy schedule through our online booking site up to 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time. Also note, your appointment time is scheduled just for you, so its important to reschedule if necessary as soon as possible so that your time slot can be given to another patient in need. We have a 24 hour cancellation policy to ensure we can serve all of our patients accordingly. A cancellation fee equal to the amount of the scheduled appointment will be charged if the appointment is not cancelled in accordance with our 24 hour cancellation policy. Thank you for understanding!